The truth is that when it comes to buying, most of us are trained to go for the least expensive option. The idea of saving money and getting more for less is so ingrained that we forget to turn off that internal dialog when it comes to making a really important purchase.
Buying a first aid kit is one of those really important purchases and price is not the most important criteria when choosing it. After all, you will be depending on that first aid kit in the event of an emergency. If you choose a cheap medical first aid kit, you may only learn when it is too late, that the kit you bought is costing you in ways you never thought of before.

These are the hidden costs of buying a cheap first aid kit:
- You Can’t Find What You Need When You Need It
In an emergency, especially when you are far from home, time is critical. It doesn’t matter what you have in your medical kit. If you can’t find it quickly and easily in an emergency, you might as well not have it at all. Our experience in the field has shown that if first aid supplies are not well-organized and always in the same place, the added stress of an emergency can result in not being able to find what you know you have. Imagine a scenario where you need a third party to find an item in the kit and you can see how important labeling and organization becomes. Careful organization of and easy access to supplies is one of the hidden secrets of a quality first aid kit.
- The Band-Aid Doesn’t Stick and the Tweezers Don’t Pinch
Having professional grade instruments and supplies in your medical kit means that you will be able to treat an injury in the field with items you would most likely find if you went to a U.S.-level emergency room. Our experience has shown, that if a band-aid doesn’t stick at home, that’s not a problem, but if it doesn’t stick in the field, that can be a real problem. The same is true for every item in your kit. No excuses. Every item in your kit should be field-tested to make sure it works and that it is the best item for the purpose intended. Cheap supplies and instruments are a detriment to you and the patient, and can turn a simple emergency into a huge crisis.
- Stuff Is Expired
While it is not a show-stopper if you have acetaminophen a little past its expiration date, things really become an issue if you get a kit that has been made with outdated supplies. Some less expensive kit supplies do not even have expiration dates on them so you have no idea how old the supplies really are. A quality medical first aid kit is made using fresh supplies with expiration dates, where applicable, and there should be an easy system for replacing old items when needed.
- I Used It Once and Now It Is A Huge Mess…
If a first aid kit can’t be “put back together” it is a bit like Humpty-Dumpty….a broken mess. A quality first aid kit makes it possible to repack the kit once it has been used. Content cards and directories make this process simpler and encourage users of the kit to keep it neat and tidy. This makes treatment faster and easier each time the kit is opened.
- I Don’t Know What I Used, So Now I Have To Go Buy Another One
If there is no way to easily figure out what has been used in a first aid kit, the tendency is to ignore the problem until you need the kit again. What happens, sadly, is that the one item that was used before and never replaced is the very item you need the next time you open the kit! Most people then throw up their hands and go buy another kit. Then the cycle starts again. Some people have ended up with as many as five or six first aid kits in various levels of disarray! Instead, look for a first aid kit can be refilled. In a quality first aid kit, missing items are easily accounted for and replaced. A top of the line custom kit provider will even offer kit refill services which do all this for their clients. Make sure you buy a quality first aid kit and keep it filled.
- The Bag Fell Apart!
Nothing is worse than discovering your first aid kit bag is falling apart when you are deep into the jungle or down a river to nowhere…The bag that holds your first aid supplies must be made to the highest standards, using the best grade of materials and rugged enough for the most extreme adventures. A quality first aid kit bag can be seen in the details of its construction and in the quality of its materials. It never hurts to find a first aid kit bag with a lifetime guarantee. That means that the manufacturer really goes the extra mile to make exceptional bags. It cannot be stressed enough that your medical first aid kit is only as good as the bag that holds it together. If the bag goes, so does the kit and your ability to respond to a medical emergency.
There are many quality medical first aid kits on the market. Make sure to evaluate them carefully so you will select the best possible kit for your purposes. If you’d like to talk to us, it’s easy. Here are 3 quick ways to contact us: