Be Prepared. It was not only practiced in our Boy Scout Troop as I grew up, it was demonstrated by my dad. That is no doubt why I chose the responsibilities that define me today. Now as a Captain with a Police Department, a licensed EMT in the state of Tennessee, a member of the local Rescue Squad, and an adjunct faculty member teaching outdoor leadership/education classes at two local Christian universities, I have seen my share of emergencies where persons were not prepared to handle them. Every moment possible, I love to share God’s creation with family, friends, students and others with outdoor activities such as camping, rappelling, caving, rock climbing, hiking, backpacking, canoeing, scuba diving, facilitating challenge courses, and more. The more remote and deeper into the wilderness, the better. I even facilitated an outdoor program with at risk youth through the police department for three years. Unfortunately, I have splinted broken bones and dislocations, cleaned wounds, stopped bleeding, performed CPR, dealt with hypothermia, dealt with anaphylactic shock, treated other forms of shock, and many more first aid activities while in the wilderness. For me, most important of all… is to be prepared to take care of my family should the need ever arise, therefore I chose to purchase my medical kit from Wilderness Medical Systems.